
Kosovo Youth Volunteer Blog by Laberim

Kosovo Youth Volunteer Blog by Laberim

Jul 28, 2010

Laberim, 2009

My name is Labërim Cërmjani. I am eighteen years old. I was born in Gjakova –Kosova in 1992.   I currently attend the Secondary Professional School (High School) “Gjon Nikollë Kazazi” studying Information Technology.

I was only seven years old when Serbian police forces violently expelled me and my family from our home.  My family didn’t know which way to go or what to do. That day was very difficult for me because I was only “a child” and because we left our home, our neighborhood, our relatives and our friends.

All of this happened by police violence.  I was so sad about all of this and for my grandmother’s death (when this happened she had a heart attack).  She was only an old sick scared and worried woman for us, her family. This sad and frustrating period of my life happened in 1999.

Laberim (on right) with Other Youth Volunteers in Ukulele Class, 2010

A few years later I learned that in our town there is an organization which by music brings together children of different ages.  I was so interested because I like music very much. I appreciated it from the beginning when I joined SMF because I already played the violin and this helped me with my practicing.

I am a volunteer in this Organization because my wish was to learn and practice music, and I want to share my music knowledge with younger children.  My wish to be one of the volunteers in this Organization is based on the fact that through SMF I have developed the humanity, supporting feelings and ability to share my ideas with others.

Laberim Painting Old Lid for SMF Children's Carnival, 2010

The program which SMF Organization offers is very important for me because there I made new relationships (many new friends), whose passion is music (instruments). This part of time helped us to forget our hard (difficult) lives.  This Program helps me a lot, because my life is more creative, more active, more interesting and happier.  I have enjoyed and am enjoying every moment being involved in this program.

Laberim (middle) Playing Kazoo with Youth Volunteers, 2010

This program has been very good for the children of Kosova, who had very difficult, stressed and traumatic lives during the war. It gave to the children the opportunity to have confidence in their lives, to believe in the world, art, people and everything they like or dream. They have learned to be more active, creative and helpful to other children who needed and wanted to be involved in this program.

Laberim (top right) With Youth Volunteers on Ancient Bridge, 2010